Pest Control Management

Training, Consulting and Pest Control

Contrag's main Characteristisc is its multidisciplinarity

Bringing together different areas of knowledge to ensure innovative, sustainable and consistent results for our customers.


Latest news

September 20, 2019.

September 20, 2019.20/09/2019

                       Temperature evolution in Brazil between 1901 and 2018 ...

            Each stripe represents one year and the color blue shows the below average temperature, while the red one above.

            Acts around the world mark September 20 with protests worldwide demanding action to combat global warming.

            Extreme events are happening more often and increasingly severe. The change is happening and it is time for us to change

           The question is ... what am I doing to minimize impacts on the planet ??


    Source: @metsul




Visita Membro Parlamento Europeu

Visita Membro Parlamento Europeu11/07/2019

No último dia 29 de junho, recebemos a visita de uma representante do Parlamento Europeu, do Comitê da Agricultura, Giulia Moi, PhD. Ela veio à empresa para conhecer novas tecnologias para o controle de pragas que estamos desenvolvendo em parceria com as empresas Tectona e Deffensor.

"Durante minha visita para inovação de start ups no Brasil, tive o prazer de conhecer uma equipe que está trabalhando para desenvolver o controle de pragas sem usar pesticidas. Foi um prazer conversar com a presidente Virgínia Steiger e todo o seu grupo na Contrag. Esta empresa poderia ser um exemplo para todos e pode ensinar à maior parte do mundo que realizar esse trabalho com uma abordagem sustentável é possível, especialmente na luta contra o uso de pesticidas químicos ou substâncias tóxicas."


Contrag welcomed the member of the Agricultural Committee in the European Parliament, Giulia Moi, PhD. She was invited by Contrag team to check out the projects we are developing in partnership with Tectona and Deffensor.

"During my visit to innovative start up in Brazil I had the pleasure to meet a team which is working to put a control to pests, without using pesticides. It was a pleasure to talk with the president Virgínia Steiger and all her group at Contrag. This company could be an example for all and can teach to the most part of the world that create job with a sustainable approach is possible, especially in the fight against the use of chemical pesticides or toxic substances."

O frio e as pragas

O frio e as pragas01/07/2019